Amazwi KaNkulunkulu Ansukuzonke: Izigaba Ezintathu Zomsebenzi | Okucashuniwe 1

September 10, 2020

Lonke uhlelo Lwami lokuphatha, uhlelo oluhlanganisa iminyaka eyizinkulungwane eziyisithupha, lunezigaba ezintathu, noma izinkathi ezintathu: Inkathi yoMthetho ekuqaleni; Inkathi yoMusa (ephinde yaziwe ngokuthi Inkathi yokuHlengwa); neNkathi Yombuso ezinsukwini zokugcina. Umsebenzi Wami kulezi zinkathi ezintathu wehluka kokuqukethe ngokohlobo lwenkathi ngayinye, kodwa esigabeni ngasinye uhambisana nezidingo zomuntu—noma ukuqonda ngqo, wenziwa ngokwamaqhinga asetshenziswa uSathane empini engiyilwa naye. Inhloso yomsebenzi Wami ukunqoba uSathane, ukubonakalisa ukuhlakanipha Kwami nokuba namandla onke, ukuveza obala wonke amaqhinga kaSathane, ngalokho bese ngisindisa sonke isintu, esiphila ngaphansi kokubusa kwakhe. Kuwukukhombisa ukuhlakanipha nokuba namandla onke Kwami ngibe ngembula ububi bukaSathane obungabekezeleki. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kuwukufundisa izidalwa Zami ukuthi zikwazi ukwahlukanisa phakathi kokuhle nokubi, ukubona ukuthi nginguMbusi wazo zonke izinto, ukubona kahle ukuthi uSathane uyisitha sesintu, ophansi kunakho konke, omubi, nokwehlukanisa ngokunesiqiniseko phakathi kokuhle nokubi, iqiniso namanga, ubungcwele nokungcola, ubukhulu nobuphansi. Ngale ndlela, isintu esingenalwazi sizokwazi ukungifakazela ukuthi akuyimina owonakalisa isintu, futhi Yimi kuphela—iNkosi yendalo—ongasindisa isintu, engingabeka phezu komuntu izinto zokubathokozisa; futhi bazi ukuthi nginguMbusi wazo zonke izinto nokuthi uSathane ungomunye nje wezidalwa engazidala, wabuye wangiphendukela. Uhlelo Lwami lokuphatha lweminyaka eyizinkulungwane eziyisithupha luhlukene izigaba ezintathu ukuze kutholakale umphumela olandelayo: ukuvumela izidalwa Zami zibe ofakazi Bami, zazi intando Yami, zibone ukuthi ngiyiqiniso. Ngakho, esigabeni sokuqala somsebenzi Wami ohlelweni Lwami lokuphatha lweminyaka eyizinkulungwane eziyisithupha, ngenza umsebenzi womthetho, okwakuwumsebenzi lapho uJehova ayehola khona abantu Bakhe. Isigaba sesibili saqala umsebenzi weNkathi yoMusa emizini yaseJudiya. UJesu umele wonke umsebenzi weNkathi yoMusa; waba senyameni wabethelwa esiphambanweni, waphinda wangenisa iNkathi yoMusa. Wabethelwa ukuze agcwalise umsebenzi wokuhlenga, ukuqeda iNkathi yoMthetho nokuqala iNkathi yoMusa, ngakho-ke wabe esebizwa “ngeNkosi Ephakeme,” “uMnikelo wesono,” “uMhlengi.” Ngakho umsebenzi kaJesu wehluka ngokuqukethweyo emsebenzini kaJehova, yize ngokwesimiso babefana. UJehova waqala iNkathi Yomthetho, esungula isizinda—umsuka—somsebenzi kaNkulunkulu emhlabeni, futhi ekhipha imithetho nemiyalelo. Lokhu ngokubili emsebenzini awenza, futhi kumele iNkathi Yomthetho. Umsebenzi uJesu awenza eNkathini yoMusa kwakungekhona ukukhipha imithetho, kodwa ukuyigcwalisa, ngalokho engenisa iNkathi yoMusa futhi eqeda iNkathi Yomthetho eyayisihlale iminyaka eyizinkulungwane ezimbili. Waba ngumqambi, owezela ukuqala iNkathi Yomusa, kodwa umongo womsebenzi Wakhe wawusekuhlengeni. Ngalokho-ke izinto azifeza zazikabili: ukuvula inkathi entsha, nokuqedela umsebenzi wokuhlenga ngokubethelwa Kwakhe, ahamba ngemva kwakho. Futhi kusuka lapho iNkathi Yomthetho yafika ekugcineni kwase kuqala iNkathi Yomusa.

Kucashunwe embhalweni othi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni

The Purpose of God’s Management Work


God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age. Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase. While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs, or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.


It’s to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and expose Satan’s hideous depravity, teach created beings to tell good from evil, and know the Ruler of all things is God Himself, see clearly that Satan is man’s enemy, that it’s the evil one, a reprobate, so man can tell good from evil, truth from lies, holiness from filth, and great from base. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.


Make ignorant mankind bear witness to Him: It is not God who brought upon man corruption, and only God Himself, Master of creation, can bestow things to enjoy and bring man salvation. This is so they can come to know that God is the Ruler of all things, that Satan is merely a creation of His, which later chose to turn on Him. God’s 6,000-year plan is split in three phases, so that the following can be achieved: to allow His creations to be His witnesses, to know His will, and see that the truth is He. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Buka okuningi

Uma unanoma yibuphi ubunzima noma imibuzo ekukholweni kwakho, sicela usithinte noma nini.

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