Christian Testimony Video | "This Trial of Mine" | A True Christian Story

November 10, 2020

She is a pious Christian who has believed in God for years and expended herself in earnest, but two years prior, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unable to accept this, she believes that because she has suffered and paid a price to do her duty, God should take care of her and protect her. She simply cannot understand how she could have cancer. Her heart filled with misunderstandings and blame, and she is wracked with suffering. By reading God's words, she comes to some understanding of the wrong views she holds about pursuing blessings in her faith, and she becomes willing to submit to God's rule and arrangements. Her condition begins to improve after a period of treatment, but to her dismay, she is told after her final chemo treatment that she still needs an operation. She once again sinks into her trial. How do the judgment, revelations, guidance and provision of God's words help her to make it through this trial? And what does she understand and gain as a result?

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